Eight inches of snow has fallen in the last two days - unbelievable! Before I moved to PDX, I asked some friends who've lived here for 8+ years if it ever snows. "Maybe once a year, like half an inch, but it won't stick" they said. I guess they didn't see this coming...
I took a much-needed drive up into the mountains on Monday. It was perfect: cold mountain air, fresh falling snow, a nice hike through some big forest ... perfect.
Oh yeah... I have a blog! I almost forgot I had this thing!
We had some Clair (sound company) interns helping us out in Philly, so I decided to take the morning off and got my camera out to document the load in. I really enjoyed myself and I like the results - rather proud of this set.
I took a walk around my neighborhood the other day and tried to capture the fall colors. It was another beautiful blue-skied day here in the great Northwest! I wish fall lasted for months and months, but then maybe part of the beauty is its elusive nature and the way it slips away.
After Traci left for the airport this morning, I walked over to the beach to catch the sunrise. It was an amazing morning - calm, perfect temperature, very peaceful, and the light was perfect for photographing.