Friday, November 27, 2009

Oregon Coast

Traci and I brought my parents out to the Oregon coast on Wednesday and had a blast. We were all expecting the worst; typical coastal weather of wind, rain and just plain dismal gloom. But we were surprised by just the opposite - it was beautiful! So fun to show my parents the coast on such a great day.

Monday, October 12, 2009

My friends at Rocky Mountain School of Photography - I'll miss you guys!

Some pictures of my fellow classmates and teachers at RMSP!












Saturday, October 10, 2009

Finishing School, New Web Page, New Career!

I'm finishing up at the Rocky Mountain School of Photography here in beautiful Missoula, Montana. It's been a crazy, hectic, energizing and exhausting 5 weeks, with one left to go. Next week we have our final porftolio reviews. Mine is "Faces of the Homeless," a group of photographs I took over a year ago. I can't wait to get critiqued on this particular collection. I want to know what the pros think of it.

I've been tooling around with new websites lately, as I'm no longer happy with my current website. I tried out Livebooks (as a class assignment), but its customization is weak and I don't like its limitations, so I finally took my friend Scott Corron's advice and signed up for Photoshelter. Have a look and let me know what you think!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Multnomah Falls

Traci surprised me with a "date day" on Saturday. We started out with a visit to the Portland Art Museum to see "Wild Beauty," a photographic collection of the Columbia River Gorge, with pictures dating from 1867-1957. After getting inspired and motivated by a huge collection of amazing photographs, we headed out to Multnomah Falls, and then on to Hood River. It was an amazing day, spent with my favorite person! Thanks, Tra!