Thursday, July 24, 2008


Alright, first post on the new blog.  Thanks to Tra, Tricia and Angela for the motivation to do this!  Should've started this a couple years ago.  Better late than never I guess...

So I've been in Toronto for 3 days now, on the Eagles' Long Road Out of Eden '08 World Tour.  After spending 2 hours in Flickr last night, I got motivated to go out and shoot whatever came across my path, with no real plan or objective.  I usually do have some big plan / goal when it comes to photography, so it was a nice change of pace.

Next stop, Washington DC.  Not sure I'll have any time for photography there, being that it'll be an 18 - 19 hour work day.  And besides, I got a lot of shots there last summer on the Goo Goo Dolls tour (walked around for like 8 hours in the sweltering heat, and don't really have any desire to do it ever again).  But then it's off to Boston for 4 days - one of my favorite cities, where I'll definitely lug my camera around on my day off.


tracihillphotography said...

Beautiful shots! I'm glad you have a blog now :) It's addicting! I miss you!

Cardas Photography said...

Woo Hoo! Welcome to the bogging world!

Louie said...

Louie says, "I am so proud of you! It's like reading your diary. I've not done that since 5th grade! I love you....