Saturday, September 27, 2008

Chicago Sunrise

After Traci left for the airport this morning, I walked over to the beach to catch the sunrise. It was an amazing morning - calm, perfect temperature, very peaceful, and the light was perfect for photographing.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Traci and I went out this morning to take some photos. Didn't really plan anything, just walked around the neighborhood where we're staying and ended up over by Lake Michigan.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Portrait Day

Traci and I drove out to my sister's house in New Lenox (suburb of Chicago) so Traci could meet some of my family. We brought out our cameras and some rented lights and took portraits of the kids.

Later in the day the kids fed a cricket to a venus flytrap!

It was great seeing Pam and the kids!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Good ol' Nashville, Music City USA.... I took a quick walk around before the show and took some shots, just to get my camera out of the bag.

Monday, September 15, 2008


We escaped hurricane Ike before it landed in Houston and made it safely to Dallas after sitting in traffic for 10 hours (normally a 3-4 hour drive), where we played two shows at the American Airlines Arena.

I was asked to take the crew photo today. I worked with Greg, our lighting programmer, to get enough light on everyone. Even with all the light Greg put on everyone, I still had to shoot at ISO 1250 at 1/40th of a second (at f/8) to let enough light in for the exposure. But it turned out pretty well, considering the short notice I was given.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

San Antonio

Had a nice day off here in San Antonio. Our hotel was right on the River Walk, which is a great place to walk around and explore. Feels like Europe, but not as expensive.


Last night the Eagles played at the BOK Center in Tulsa. It was the first show in the brand new arena. The place was so new you could smell the plastic seats - the whole place smelled like a new car.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Beach Place Sunrise

Tra and I got ourselves up at 6:15 this morning to capture the sunrise. Unfortunately it was too cloudy for a beautiful sunrise to take place, but I got a few shots worth keeping, and it's always nice to see the world in its calmest time of day.