Monday, September 15, 2008


We escaped hurricane Ike before it landed in Houston and made it safely to Dallas after sitting in traffic for 10 hours (normally a 3-4 hour drive), where we played two shows at the American Airlines Arena.

I was asked to take the crew photo today. I worked with Greg, our lighting programmer, to get enough light on everyone. Even with all the light Greg put on everyone, I still had to shoot at ISO 1250 at 1/40th of a second (at f/8) to let enough light in for the exposure. But it turned out pretty well, considering the short notice I was given.


Cardas Photography said...

Big groups are tough! Looks great though!

tracihillphotography said...

Great shot! I love how you got all of those people in and still managed to get the "Eagles" sign in the background. Perfect :)